SIEM - SocietĂ italiana di elettromagnetismo
SIEm, acronym of âSocietĂ Italiana di Elettromagnetismoâ (âItalian Society of Electromagnetismâ), is a scientific non-profit society promoting both study and improvements of electromagnetism in Italy with special focus on engineering applications.
SIEm, acronym of âSocietĂ Italiana di Elettromagnetismoâ (âItalian Society of Electromagnetismâ), is a scientific non-profit society promoting both study and improvements of electromagnetism in Italy with special focus on engineering applications.
To this purpose, SIEm:
- coordinates, promotes and fosters research in electromagnetism;
- cooperates with national and international institutions working in this field;
- promotes and organizes technical conferences, schools and training courses also in cooperation with other associations or institutions;
- organizes teams operating on theoretical or practical problems also for consulting activities;
- supports participation to European or international research activities in electromagnetism;
- edits reports, journals, proceedings focused on electromagnetism also published via an internet website;
- fosters any other initiative conceived and realized by the society members.
Interested people can apply for membership as Ordinary (if physical persons) or Collective (if Institutions, Research Centers, Consortia, either public or private or both) members.⨠SIEm is organized in Research Units, grouping members working in or with the same University or public or private research institution
SIEm activities are coordinated by a Scientific Council, formed by a representative of each Research Unit and periodically reviewed by the members general Assembly.⨠Administration is run by the Board of Directors.